Scientific publication on hematite-based PEC interfaces
We are glad to promote a new publication prepared with the participation of our partner University of Ferrara entitled “Hematite-based photoelectrochemical interfaces for solar fuel production”.
In the review, the authors mainly discuss the capitalization on hematite properties, while implementing suitable optimization techniques in its synthesis (namely nanostructuring, doping and surface functionalization). Examples of case studies also from laboratory are discussed, in which various hematite-based interfaces are probed using advanced characterization techniques (e.g. electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and transient photocurrent analysis). These studies aimed at gaining insights into the key processes involved in the photocurrent generation, thus contributing to the rational design of future more efficient photoactive interfaces. This is a challenging goal since at present all the reported hematite-based photoanodes display performances that are far below the maximum thermodynamically attainable photocurrent (i.e. 12.6 mA/cm2). Finally, the authors report on recent examples of hematite-based PEC systems yielding value-added organic compounds as the photoinduced oxidation products. This latter strategy, even if currently at its infancy, is believed to be a groundbreaking approach towards the production of organics exploiting sunlight energy in a sustainable electrochemical process.
Highlights form the publication:
- The maximum photocurrent output of hematite is still far to be reached.
- Nanostructuring, doping and surface functionalization represent valid strategies for the improvement of hematite photoanodes’ performance.
- The study of charge carrier dynamics is key to unravel the operational mechanisms and to design improved photoelectrochemical interfaces.
- The use of hematite for oxidative photo catalysis.
To read more the publication, please click on the following link: