CONDOR was presented at Sustainable Places 2022
In the period 6th – 9th September 2022, CONDOR took part at Sustainable Places 2022.
The conference, which was held over four days in a hybrid (digital + in-person) format, coupled results from approximately 150 European research projects, presentations from the European Commission and local area initiatives. The sessions “Innovate with France” and “Innovate with Monaco” offered a view into two exciting municipalities, Nice and Monaco where urban area energy and sustainability transitions are in full focus.
Between opening and closing keynote sessions, parallel technical sessions and project-organized workshops explored the various conference themes. CONDOR project took part in “Low-TRL Renewable Energy Technologies” collaborative workshop, which brought together a selection of Horizon 2020 projects dealing with the challenge of researching, developing and demonstrating innovative, efficient, flexible, cost-competitive and environmentally safe technologies, which are still at a low Technological Readiness Level (TRL 3-4). The workshop involved experts on new renewable and low-carbon-emission energy generation and conversion technologies, carbon capture and storage and CO2 re-use technologies, smart energy grid and flexible energy storage technologies. The project presentations were followed by an interactive discussion on the main barriers to innovation in energy generation systems/processes, challenges foreseen in bringing these new energy technologies to the market and the role of these low TRL technologies in the energy system of 2030 and 2050. The participant also exchanged thoughts on the measures which are being taken in their project to ensure that their technology will be successful in the market. The workshop provided to the participants an excellent opportunity to identify possible synergies or potential cooperation on cross-cutting issues to maximise their expected impacts.
More about Sustainable Places conference 2022: https://www.sustainableplaces.eu/