On November 7th, the CONDOR consortium members met virtually to celebrate three years of project implementation. The partners gathered to assess the progress towards the ultimate goal of developing a device for artificial photosynthesis able to convert water and carbon dioxide into fuels by using sunlight as the only energy source.
The meeting was opened by Prof. Paola Ceroni, Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician” at the University of Bologna and also coordinator of CONDOR project, who provided a comprehensive review of the research work completed to date. Over the past months, the efforts were concentrated on assembling and testing the flow photoelectrochemical cell (Compartment 1), conducted by ENGIE in collaboration with the University of Ferrara. Simultaneously, the Utrecht University and HYGEAR focused on Compartment 2, designing and manufacturing the (photo)chemical reactor for conversion of syngas into fuels. Overall, the project has progressed in alignment with the work plan, with no significant deviations. The partners discussed the next steps and remaining activities for the last year of the project, which are related to the assembling, integration and testing of the CONDOR system.
The meeting also welcomed members of the External Advisory Board (EAB), who tracked the progress and provided valuable feedback and recommendations for the project’s future work.
As we look ahead to the final year of the project, there is undoubtedly lots of work still to be done. However, we are happy to slowly but steadily be moving towards.
Thanks to our hard-working consortium partners and all EAB members for their contributions to the productive meeting and fruitful collaboration in this challenging project!