How we attended the European Researchers Night 2023?
The 29th September marked the return of the European Researchers Night – the annual celebration of innovative research taking place simultaneously in more than 30 countries and 300 cities throughout Europe. In Bologna, the researchers from our consortium partner University of Bologna and Institute for Organic Synthesis and Photoreactivity of the National Research Council of Italy (ISOF – CNR) cooperated to increase the interest of young people in science and to showcase the impact of researchers’ work on people’s daily lives. To reach this goal, various experiments were done such as:
- playing with photocromaticity materials that change colour upon light illumination;
- playing with molecules to let children understand the idea of a chemical reaction. The kids played with atomic models of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen to form methane or methanol from CO2 and hydrogen;
- solar fuel cell – a very small prototype of fuel cell, which is activated by light, was used to demonstrated its working principles to the public.
During the event, the Condor project was presented with a poster. Many people stopped by to understand better about the project and how we plan to reach our final objectives. Poster of CONDOR project presented at the event: ENG, IT
The exchange of knowledge and the strengthening of scientific collaborations made the event a huge success!
