Last week, the CONDOR project was prominently acknowledged in the talks of our partners during the 29th IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry. Organized at the Valencia Conference Centre, from July 14-19, 2024, the symposium brought together scientists and engineers from around the world with expertise in photochemistry, encompassing the interactions of light and matter in a broad sense. Initiated almost sixty years ago and running every other year, with a brief hiatus during the COVID pandemic, this 29th edition tackled contemporary issues and highlighted cutting-edge methodologies as well as new theoretical and experimental developments.

On July 15th, in the session on Light Energy Conversion, Barbara Ventura from ISOF-CNR delivered an insightful talk titled: “A photoactive supramolecular complex formed by a bis(acridiniumporphyrin) receptor and a tetra-pyridyl porphyrin guest.” (abstract)

On July 19th, as an invited speaker in the session on Photochemical Reactions and Intermediates, the project coordinator, Prof. Paola Ceroni (Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician” at the University of Bologna), delivered a lecture titled “Photocatalysis: A Journey into the Photochemical Mechanism.” She reported on artificial photosynthesis and also shared insights from her involvement in the CONDOR project.

Additionally, during the symposium, Prof. Ceroni’s participation was especially significant as she was elected President of the European Photochemistry Association.

These contributions highlight the impactful research being conducted under the CONDOR project and reinforce our commitment to advancing the field of photochemistry. For further details on the 29th IUPAC Symposium on Photochemistry, please visit

